Convocatoria internacional para MBA KRK 2017 - International Biennale of Architecture Krakow 2017

Convocatoria internacional para participar en la MBA KRK 2017. 

Biennale is an event taking place since the year 1985. The title of this year's edition of the Biennale is "Backyard – field of imagination". The subject-matter covers semi-private spaces in the city. It is the landscape of backyards and interiors of central urban blocks, of completely utilitarian character, which is divided by various fences, metal meshes, and walls, filled mainly with rubbish bins or cars, rarely with well-maintained verdure. This is also the landscape between blocks of flats of Post-communist housing estates, actually serving no one and no real purpose, marked by poorly maintained lawns and randomly shaped greenery.

Biennale participants are expected to deliver various forms of presentations, regarding the main topic of the debate, taking into consideration the following issues:
1) urban design in micro-scale,
2) city and its life at the verge of private and social zones,
3) search for the shape of small spaces,
4) search for unity in diversity of spaces.

Three basic levels of confrontation will serve this purpose:
1) Competition A – architectural and urban competition
2) Competition B – seminar competition
3) Competition C – multimedia competition

More information on the MBA KRK 2017 to be found at: and FB:
More information on the competitions within the frame of the MBA KRK 2017 available at:  and FB:

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